Friday 22 January 2016

Al -Isra' ,17 : 32

With the name of my god ; Allah S.W.T this second,Alhamdulillah i still breathing,happily with the people that i love .For the first update of my blog, i would like to thank everyone that always be with me ,when we are crying or smiling .Especialy for my lovely parents and my family :) only them knows how actually i am .What i like ,things i do when i woke up from my bed and also my bad habits when i get angry .haha ! 

"Dieba ,don't worry .I will not forget your name !"
      Thank you Fatin Adieba bt Abd Malek because offering yourself to create my blog.*feel shy* Dieba is one of my classmates in 5 Imatiaz .For your information ,our English teacher ; Ms Nur Bazla' Farisya binti Md Junid ask us (form 5 ) to crete our blog .For hostel's student like me ,we have to update our blog when we are home .
     White is the colour i like because when clothes or things been dirty,we immediately clean it up right ? Therefore ,we will be a tidy  person.This is the answer of prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him )when storied about this :) 

     One of the  subject in class that i love is Science .For a long time , i don't like science .Actually ,since i was in primary school. Then ,when i was in form 1 , i ask my senior how to love it .He answered me ,studying Science make us more closer with Allah S.W.T .This answer open my eyes to love science :) 

     Sometimes, i am curious with my ambition ,haha! i don't know why .My previous ambition was to be a teacher,chef,police,specialist forencis medicine expert . Now ,I said to myself ;You will be a great writer one day ,In Shaa Allah :)

     I want to share one best quote that help me to succeed in Add Math ." if you love something ,fight for it ".So ,with this seven words, i dare myself to not fail in my first exam last year .And that is such miracle when i passed and also my teacher ; Pn Hjh Zainoriah bt Zainuddin had praised me on that time . I am grateful to Allah S.W.T at that momment :)

     Last but not least ,thank you again Dieba for helping me .Really appreciate it ,cutie :) 

As Salamu 'Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh .