Thursday 17 March 2016

Quran 2:255

As Salamu 'Alaikum Wa Rahamatullahi Wa Barakatuh.

_First week of March

It is a  Saturday night and we ( Tc Bazla' , my friends and I ) were had watched a movie tittle Mrs. Doubtfire by Twentieth Century Fox . Actually several of my friends and I had watched this movie before on Tv3 . Tc Bazla had gave us three questions to answer.  So, below are all my answers.

1)Question : It is important to have a both mother and father in the house? Explain.

Answer : For me , it's important .  This is what we called a marriage's life.By the way,it sounds like a little bit funny when just one of them in the house. Having a great moment when each other falling in love, but? Only one person in the house :) Where's the another one gone? Where's the children have to find their perfect love from their own parents?  Just like the other children have. What will happen to world if every moms or dad not in the house for a long time? Or maybe forever for a unreasonable reason? Just think about your children. If you have them :)

2)Question : Do you like the ending of the movie? Why?

Answer : Yes, because that was the best ending for them. The father has the job that he love so much by his own skills. The mother didn't need to push her feelings to love back her ex-husband if their re-marriage. The children have their own time to see their beloved father.

3)Question : If you are the director of the movie, how would you end the movie? 

Answer : I will make the children refuse the officer man as their new father ( if it happen ) and try harder to make their parents in love again. When it happens, the father and mother will do their best to fulfill their own work as a good mom and dad :)

So,thanks Tc Bazla' bcs had a great time with us  ♥

As Salamu 'Alaikum Wa Rahamatullahi Wa Barakatuh.       


Friday 12 February 2016

Quran 16:12

As Salamu ‘Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh


      When my father , my younger brother and I went to the night market yesterday , suddenly the boy said , “ Farther , look ! There was an ambulance there ! “ It was our neighbour’s house . There was a crowd of people to . When we were at the scene , the police told my farther that the sergeant was died . He died when no one at home . Pity for his :’(

      The corpse was found when his friends searched his from morning until night . His friends become worried because he didn’t answer their calls . Then , all of them came to his house and found his body was stiffed . Of course them on a big shocked !

      After all the things been cleared at the scene , the ambulance went to the hospital . Then , my family and I continued our journey .

As Salamu ‘Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh 

Quran 27:79

As Salamu ‘Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh


           This is the first drama that makes me love on Chinese’s drama a lot ! This story tell us about the colonization of some tribes . Horses , estates , booties and battles of them were the several things that makes me so impressive with this drama ! I was in primary school when I watched this drama with my father and my  brothers on 8tv . So , if you interested with this drama , check it out at Youtube !

As Salamu ‘Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh

Quran 43:67

As Salamu ‘Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh

Nurul Nabila Binti Mohd Nisam~

           It was a taut night . Everyone had yelled to each other . The birthday girl was too uncomfortable now . All of a sudden , she run out ,went to the toilet ; vomited . When she came back to the class , the cake that her mother did was broken . That was a grievous time for us because she cried and wept so much . Then , after a few seconds we sang a song for her , “Happy Birthday!” with that cake . It was a joke that we broke the cake ! The birthday girl was stopped cried and laughed back with us . After that , we ate the cake and that night was so astonish !

           Dear Nabila , Happy Birthday ! Sorry for that prank . Hehe . May Allah S.W.T always bless you and fulfil your request . Then , showered us with His love , Aamiin .

 As Salamu ‘Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh

Thursday 11 February 2016

Quran 3:8

As Salamu ‘Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh


Nur Isyafatira Binti Mohd Japri~

          In school , my birthday wishes of course not arrive to her which is in STJ :’( Be my friends since we birth on 1999 . She is more intelligent , pretty and taller than me . Hehe . Our family know each other since we are in the same neighbourhood . She is a chirpy and benevolent person to ! So that , everyone friend happily with her . Teaching friend when we are not understand on some topics is one of her good habits . She had got 9A’s in PT3 ,clever right ? I know that :) Hopefully that all of us (batch 99) get the best results for our SPM ! Aamiin . Good luck everyone !

As Salamu ‘Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh

Al-Nur , 24:44

As Salamu ‘Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh


           When my friends and I were waiting for supper , teacher Bazla’ wanted to meet us(girls of form 5) . She told us that when we are not home on Saturday , we will watch a movie with her on that night . Then , we must answer the question that she give to us .

            So , for the first time , all of us watching a movie tittle My Sister’s Keeper . The question is “Were the parents fair to all their children?” . Before I answer teacher’s question , I would like to story about this movie J

           My Sister’s Keeper tell us about Kate and family’s life . Kate had leukaemia since she was 6 years old . It last till she was 17 . 11 years of surviving cancer ! When she had leukaemia disease , she has several irreverence habits that hurts Anna , her  younger sister .

           Sera , as Kate’s mom too care and worry of her disease . Since Sera knew Kate had disease , she always find the ways to save Kate’s life  with her husband , Bryan . In this movie , Sera works as barrister and Bryan as fireman .

           Be as the only son in this family , Jessc always lonely . Loneliness make Jessc be a quiet guy . Because of Kate’s disease , his parents sometimes forgot about his life . Jessc ‘s childhood had dyslexia . Then , the parents realized  that they should take care all of their children , not only Kate .

           Anna was the younger in this movie . Anna was bravely be in the court , as the request from Kate . When all the family members knew the truth , they always beside Kate , until the death came .

           So , my answer is ;

The parents not fair to all their children . Because they always neglected Jessc and Anna so much !

           By the way , thank you teacher because sharing us this movie . This movie gave us a new knowledge about the diseases .


As Salamu ‘Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh


Friday 22 January 2016

Al -Isra' ,17 : 32

With the name of my god ; Allah S.W.T this second,Alhamdulillah i still breathing,happily with the people that i love .For the first update of my blog, i would like to thank everyone that always be with me ,when we are crying or smiling .Especialy for my lovely parents and my family :) only them knows how actually i am .What i like ,things i do when i woke up from my bed and also my bad habits when i get angry .haha ! 

"Dieba ,don't worry .I will not forget your name !"
      Thank you Fatin Adieba bt Abd Malek because offering yourself to create my blog.*feel shy* Dieba is one of my classmates in 5 Imatiaz .For your information ,our English teacher ; Ms Nur Bazla' Farisya binti Md Junid ask us (form 5 ) to crete our blog .For hostel's student like me ,we have to update our blog when we are home .
     White is the colour i like because when clothes or things been dirty,we immediately clean it up right ? Therefore ,we will be a tidy  person.This is the answer of prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him )when storied about this :) 

     One of the  subject in class that i love is Science .For a long time , i don't like science .Actually ,since i was in primary school. Then ,when i was in form 1 , i ask my senior how to love it .He answered me ,studying Science make us more closer with Allah S.W.T .This answer open my eyes to love science :) 

     Sometimes, i am curious with my ambition ,haha! i don't know why .My previous ambition was to be a teacher,chef,police,specialist forencis medicine expert . Now ,I said to myself ;You will be a great writer one day ,In Shaa Allah :)

     I want to share one best quote that help me to succeed in Add Math ." if you love something ,fight for it ".So ,with this seven words, i dare myself to not fail in my first exam last year .And that is such miracle when i passed and also my teacher ; Pn Hjh Zainoriah bt Zainuddin had praised me on that time . I am grateful to Allah S.W.T at that momment :)

     Last but not least ,thank you again Dieba for helping me .Really appreciate it ,cutie :) 

As Salamu 'Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh .