Friday 12 February 2016

Quran 16:12

As Salamu ‘Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh


      When my father , my younger brother and I went to the night market yesterday , suddenly the boy said , “ Farther , look ! There was an ambulance there ! “ It was our neighbour’s house . There was a crowd of people to . When we were at the scene , the police told my farther that the sergeant was died . He died when no one at home . Pity for his :’(

      The corpse was found when his friends searched his from morning until night . His friends become worried because he didn’t answer their calls . Then , all of them came to his house and found his body was stiffed . Of course them on a big shocked !

      After all the things been cleared at the scene , the ambulance went to the hospital . Then , my family and I continued our journey .

As Salamu ‘Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh 

Quran 27:79

As Salamu ‘Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh


           This is the first drama that makes me love on Chinese’s drama a lot ! This story tell us about the colonization of some tribes . Horses , estates , booties and battles of them were the several things that makes me so impressive with this drama ! I was in primary school when I watched this drama with my father and my  brothers on 8tv . So , if you interested with this drama , check it out at Youtube !

As Salamu ‘Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh

Quran 43:67

As Salamu ‘Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh

Nurul Nabila Binti Mohd Nisam~

           It was a taut night . Everyone had yelled to each other . The birthday girl was too uncomfortable now . All of a sudden , she run out ,went to the toilet ; vomited . When she came back to the class , the cake that her mother did was broken . That was a grievous time for us because she cried and wept so much . Then , after a few seconds we sang a song for her , “Happy Birthday!” with that cake . It was a joke that we broke the cake ! The birthday girl was stopped cried and laughed back with us . After that , we ate the cake and that night was so astonish !

           Dear Nabila , Happy Birthday ! Sorry for that prank . Hehe . May Allah S.W.T always bless you and fulfil your request . Then , showered us with His love , Aamiin .

 As Salamu ‘Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh

Thursday 11 February 2016

Quran 3:8

As Salamu ‘Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh


Nur Isyafatira Binti Mohd Japri~

          In school , my birthday wishes of course not arrive to her which is in STJ :’( Be my friends since we birth on 1999 . She is more intelligent , pretty and taller than me . Hehe . Our family know each other since we are in the same neighbourhood . She is a chirpy and benevolent person to ! So that , everyone friend happily with her . Teaching friend when we are not understand on some topics is one of her good habits . She had got 9A’s in PT3 ,clever right ? I know that :) Hopefully that all of us (batch 99) get the best results for our SPM ! Aamiin . Good luck everyone !

As Salamu ‘Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh

Al-Nur , 24:44

As Salamu ‘Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh


           When my friends and I were waiting for supper , teacher Bazla’ wanted to meet us(girls of form 5) . She told us that when we are not home on Saturday , we will watch a movie with her on that night . Then , we must answer the question that she give to us .

            So , for the first time , all of us watching a movie tittle My Sister’s Keeper . The question is “Were the parents fair to all their children?” . Before I answer teacher’s question , I would like to story about this movie J

           My Sister’s Keeper tell us about Kate and family’s life . Kate had leukaemia since she was 6 years old . It last till she was 17 . 11 years of surviving cancer ! When she had leukaemia disease , she has several irreverence habits that hurts Anna , her  younger sister .

           Sera , as Kate’s mom too care and worry of her disease . Since Sera knew Kate had disease , she always find the ways to save Kate’s life  with her husband , Bryan . In this movie , Sera works as barrister and Bryan as fireman .

           Be as the only son in this family , Jessc always lonely . Loneliness make Jessc be a quiet guy . Because of Kate’s disease , his parents sometimes forgot about his life . Jessc ‘s childhood had dyslexia . Then , the parents realized  that they should take care all of their children , not only Kate .

           Anna was the younger in this movie . Anna was bravely be in the court , as the request from Kate . When all the family members knew the truth , they always beside Kate , until the death came .

           So , my answer is ;

The parents not fair to all their children . Because they always neglected Jessc and Anna so much !

           By the way , thank you teacher because sharing us this movie . This movie gave us a new knowledge about the diseases .


As Salamu ‘Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh